Rire et Châtiment

  • 2003-01-28
  • Drama
  • Comedy
  • IMDB


Rire et Châtiment
No video available


French director Isabelle Doval directs her husband, popular comedic actor José Garcia, in the comedy Rire et Chatiment (Laughter and Punishment). Vincent (Garcia) is a popular physician whose aggressive need to be funny and get people's attention annoys his girlfriend, Camille (Doval), to the point that she leaves him. He begins to suspect she might have been onto something when his behavior begins causing people to die.


La Vérité si je mens !

Pour elle

Le Flic de Belleville

Tout ça… pour ça !

La Vérité si je mens ! 3

Le Boulet


José Garcia

Laurent Lucas

Philippe Uchan

Isabelle Doval

Benoît Poelvoorde

Delphine Bibet

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