L'Homme qui voulait vivre sa vie

  • 2010-11-03
  • Thriller
  • IMDB


L'Homme qui voulait vivre sa vie


Paul Exben is a success story – partner in one of Paris's most exclusive law firms, big salary, big house, glamorous wife and two sons straight out of a Gap catalog. But when he finds out that Sarah, his wife, is cheating on him with Greg Kremer, a local photographer, a rush of blood provokes Paul into a fatal error.


L'âge d'homme... maintenant ou jamais !

Le Dernier Vol


The Countess

Nos batailles

Mon pire cauchemar


Romain Duris

Marina Foïs

Catherine Deneuve

Niels Arestrup

Branka Katić

Eric Ruf

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