Мы с вами где-то встречались

  • 1954-08-17
  • Comedy
  • IMDB


Мы с вами где-то встречались
No video available


Maximov and his wife Larisa Levkoyeva going to vacation, but in last minutes Levkoyeva were called back to theater. And Maximov goes all alone to the Crimea on the train. On the one of station he miss his train and must check the city and make a concert to reach the point of destination. But he is so popular that people just didn't let him rest like he want...


Кавказская пленница, или Новые приключения Шурика


The Batman

The Shawshank Redemption

Avatar: The Way of Water

Back to the Future


Аркадий Райкин

Мария Миронова

Василий Меркурьев

Людмила Целиковская

Mikhail Yanshin

Ольга Аросева

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