Meine Tochter und der Millionär


Meine Tochter und der Millionär
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Hannes Schmitz works as a garbage collector in Hamburg. The ex-soccer player now coaches the youth team of a suburban club. His sayings are just as feared as his unconventional ideas in labor disputes. Hannes lives on a houseboat that he restored himself and has a well-balanced relationship with his likeable long-term fiancé Isolde. His pride and joy is his pretty and clever daughter Annika, whom he raised alone. He would do anything for her. He even slips into an uncomfortable suit and tie and has himself chauffeured to Hamburg-Blankenese. In the small family circle, Hannes is supposed to get to know his future son-in-law, the young chef Alexander. Annika is amazed when she is received with her father in a grand villa.



The Prestige

The Matrix

Forrest Gump




Jan Fedder

Anja Knauer

Mareike Carrière

Ulrich Noethen

Ulrike Grote

No Poster

Kristian Bader

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