Robert Reich

Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA

Robert Reich


Robert Bernard Reich (born June 24, 1946) is an American professor, author, lawyer, and political commentator. He worked in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, and served as Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997 in the cabinet of President Bill Clinton. He was also a member of President Barack Obama's economic transition advisory board. Reich has been the Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley since January 2006. He was formerly a lecturer at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government and a professor of social and economic policy at the Heller School for Social Policy and Management of Brandeis University. In 2008, Time magazine named him one of the Ten Best Cabinet Members of the century, and in the same year The Wall Street Journal placed him sixth on its list of Most Influential Business Thinkers. He has published 18 books which have been translated into 22 languages,...

Known For

Inequality for All

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The Borking of America

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This One Thing Would Increase Wages By $300 Billion

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Busting the “Paid What You’re Worth” Myth

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Is It Inflation? Or Is It Greedflation?

Money Monster

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