Theodor Loos

Zwingenberg, Hesse, Germany

Theodor Loos


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Theodor August Konrad Loos (18 May 1883 – 27 June 1954) was a German actor. He acted on stage from 1912 to 1945. From 1913 he performed in more than 170 feature films, initially silent films. During the Third Reich Loos was a member of the Advisory Council (Präsidialrat) of the president of the Reichsfilmkammer. After the end of the war, he returned to the theater....

Known For


Giorgio Moroder's Metropolis

M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder

Homunculus, 1. Teil: Der künstliche Mensch

Homunculus, 2. Teil: Das geheimnisvolle Buch

No Poster

Homunculus, 4. Teil: Die Rache des Homunculus

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