
  • 2015-09-30
  • Comedy
  • IMDB


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The inhabitants of Bevergem can at least be called special. One day, stand-up comedian Freddy De Vadder also moves in. Why? Nobody knows. And he keeps quiet himself. The inhabitants of Bevergem are charmed by the presence of the eccentric rock 'n' roll figure, but it soon becomes clear that the villagers themselves are even more eccentric. Each of them confides in outsider Freddy and all kinds of petty bourgeois intrigues surface between noisy alpha males (and females) on the one hand and well-behaved, clumsy underdogs on the other. In the run-up to the annual village festivals, things get rather heated, but Freddy watches all the fuss and remains the unmoved mover at all times.


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Stranger Things


Piet De Praitere

Sebastien Dewaele

Wannes Cappelle

Dries Heyneman

No Poster

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No Poster

Bart Vanneste

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